29 Nov 2022
Press release embargoed until 00.01hrs on Wednesday 30 November
A link to the embargoed inspection report is at the very end of this email
A care service for children and young adults with a physical or complex learning disability or additional needs has been rated outstanding following an inspection by the Care Quality Commission (CQC) in September.
CQC inspected Seashell Health Service, ran by the Seashell Trust, and found a service where people benefitted from outstanding care. This was CQC’s first inspection of the service.
Seashell Health Service provides nursing therapy and audiology for students aged from primary school age up to 25 who attend the onsite residential day school and college ran by the Seashell Trust. Seashell Trust is a national learning disability charity that supports children and young adults with complex learning difficulties, disabilities, and additional communication needs from across the UK.
Following the inspection, the service was rated outstanding overall and for being safe, responsive, caring, effective and well-led.
Debbie Ivanova, CQC’s director for people with learning disabilities and autistic people, said:
“When we inspected Seashell Health Service, we were extremely impressed by the level of support people received and found a service that provided outstanding care to children and young adults.
“Staff took time to interact with children, young people, and their families in a respectful and considerate way. Feedback from carers and parents was overwhelmingly positive, with many saying the staff had changed their lives and the level of support they received had gone beyond what was expected of them.
“People at the service had access on site to a wide range of equipment to help with their needs, including innovative technology, a hydrotherapy pool and an audiology department.
“There was compassionate, inclusive and effective leadership at all levels, and the senior team frequently spent time in the service, not only for meetings but to get to know the children and young people and support the staff team.
“To achieve an outstanding rating for every aspect of care is a huge achievement. The whole team deserve to be congratulated for all their hard work and commitment.”
CQC inspectors found:
The inspection report will publish on CQC’s website on Wednesday 30 November.
Notes to editor
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We expect health and social care providers to guarantee autistic people and people with a learning disability the safety, choices, dignity, and independence that most people take for granted.
Services should be ensuring that autistic people and people with a learning disability have access to care specific to their needs, including their physical health and are supported to follow their interests and aspirations. CQC ensures services are doing this in a number of different ways:
Our inspection of services for autistic people and people with a learning disability focus on: